Protection against threats with Deep Learning (AI)
Protection against threats with Deep Learning (AI)
86% of companies use firewalls to protect their information from attacks. Diario de Valladolid.
Only 36% of companies correctly perform their backups. Tecnología para tu empresa. It User.
Spanish companies suffer more infections than European ones: 64% of Spanish companies have been infected at some point, compared to an average of 58% in Europe. Panda Security.
In 2019, companies increased their investment in cybersecurity by 17%, and it is projected to increase by 34% in 2020 due to the growing threats. It Users.
AI-based firewalls allow for flawless prevention of exploits and identification of threats before they access your network, automatically and without errors, thanks to synchronized security with other security products such as endpoints.
Network state control.
Identification of infected systems.
Isolation of infected devices to prevent further spread.
With a close and fully customized service, we find the technological solutions that best fit your company to improve its performance.